The Let's All Pledge, or LAP, campaign drive is halfway to its ultimate goal of collecting $3.2 million.
The drive was boosted Thursday when organizers learned they would receive $100,000 from the state Department of Local Affairs. They also received a $10,000 donation Thursday in the LAP mailbox.
"We're excited about the funds," Glenwood Springs Parks and Recreation Department director Dan Rodgerson said. "The grant was a long shot since the city has received money from the Department of Local Affairs for City Hall and the Community Center. We're pleased to receive something."
The latest pledge brings the total amount up to $1,703,850.
"(The latest donations) puts us over the halfway point of our fund drive and places us in excellent position for additional grants," LAP chairwoman Terri Miller said.
One concern about the status of the fund-raising is the impending September deadline. But Glenwood Springs Mayor Don Vanderhoof said he would support a request to extend the deadline.
"The fund-raising group has done an excellent job so far, and we have had major successes in the past few months," Vanderhoof said.
More money is expected in the coming weeks from local people and businesses, Miller said.
"We certainly see this project as a win-win situation for the whole community," Miller said.
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